
Saturday, July 24, 2021

Nordstrom Anni-Sale 2021

Man, I am so out of practice at this thing called blogging. Sometimes I miss it, but then sometimes I forgot how much work it really is! Admittedly, this year's anniversary sale snuck up on me. Usually, I'm stalking the catalog, dog-earring pages of things I love, and game planning my shopping trip. This year has been so different for so...
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Saturday, January 23, 2021

Stronger Together

Well, I got through 2020, and the last couple of weeks in the year, I was really trying to mentally prepare myself for 2021. I knew that it wasn't going to flip like a switch and suddenly be wonderful. If anything, it would be much of the same as 2020, if not worse, and for the bulk of the year. I can't control that, but what I can control is...
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Thursday, August 27, 2020

Random roundup - Anniversary Sale edition

I felt compelled to do a random roundup because it's the last weekend of the anniversary sale and I've already worn the bulk of my purchases. I figured I would share real life photos of how I've styled these pieces in case you've been on the fence about anything. Let's get start...
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Monday, August 10, 2020

Nordstrom Anniversary Sale 2020

You guys have no idea how excited I was for today, more so than previous years. I mentioned in my preview post that I was excited for some semblance of normalcy, and that could not be more true. But alas, I am so not being a Debbie Downer in this post, so let's just talk about all the shopping goodne...
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Sunday, August 2, 2020

Random things I'm wanting

You are about to go on a very random ride of things I've been wanting to buy lately. I haven't bought these items because admittedly I'm living off a partial salary for an indefinite amount of time and none of these items are "must have" purchases. But I've been filing them away as I see them and I figured I would go ahead and compile everything into...
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Friday, July 24, 2020

Nordstrom Anniversary Sale 2020 Picks

Preview Anniversary Sale HEREWhat a year 2020 has been. That's all I have to say about that. But as I'm pulling this post together, baseball opening day is on and now that I'm getting in anniversary sale prep mode, it's almost starting to feel like it's a normal summer. Almost. Ok, far from normal, but I will take these little bits of happiness!...
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Monday, June 1, 2020

Things I've learned

I don’t even know where to start, but I feel compelled to write. So I will just go.  A few years ago when things really went south here in St. Louis, specifically the suburb of Ferguson, one of my friends I met on an online shopping forum pointedly asked me why I wasn’t posting about it on my blog or social media. She is a huge activist,...
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